Senaj Lelic is working in the IT business since 1991, also studying economy at the university of Munich (special studies: strategic management and software based Business Process management). Starting with BORLAND, he went on to work with the Visio Corporation in 1996. Therefrom he was working on different visualization solutions for different customers. In 2000 when Visio was acquired by Microsoft his focus shifted to contain Microsoft.NET as a programming platform and also since 2003 the technology SharePoint extending also to supporting technologies such as SQL Server and Microsoft Teams. One long-term activity is also the creation and planning/architecture of BPM solutions and technologies - always using Visio as the graphical engine, but extending the scenario with SQL Server and also SharePoint and Teams to create powerful but easy to use BPM solutions.
Microsoft Cloud und Tools bietet Alles was Sie für QM/Prozessmodellierungslösungen brauchen. Dieser Vortrag zeigt das was und wie, sowie erörtert Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen.